Starlink Satellite Plans

Stay Connected Affordably Anywhere, Anytime with WanTok and Starlink

Starlink Satellite Service

Explore Starlink Satellite Service Plans

Flat High Performance is recommended for Business or Major Offices, and Standard Kit V4 is recommended for residential or small offices. WanTok partners with Starlink to provide Internet connectivity that’s fast, reliable, and high-quality, at a cost you can afford. Choose from the Satellite Service packages below—there’s a plan and speed for your home or business.

Fixed Priority Plans

WanTok Basic

$240 TOP

WanTok Standard

$750 TOP

WanTok Premium

$1,500 TOP

WanTok Elite

$4,000 TOP

Mobile Priority Plans

WanTok Bronze

$750 TOP

WanTok Silver

$3,000 TOP

WanTok Gold

$15,000 TOP

Installation & Terminal Costs

  • Any installation that requires extra hardware such as trunking, extra cable, etc., will involve additional costs.
  • For outer islands installations, we will have special arrangements on costs, including travel, etc.

Starlink Standard Kit

Starlink Flat High Performance Kit

For WanTok Customers, all plans include:

  • Designated Priority Data plus Unlimited Standard Data once the Priority Data is used up.
  • Free Local Customer Service/Management
  • Priority escalation with Starlink under our partnership’s SLA
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